b-guided > Madrid

Insert Club

A must for techno lovers

By Redacción 31.01.14

Insert is born with the main idea of ​​a techno club in Barcelona with weekly international programming, in an industrial environment especially care for the genre, something that does not currently exist in the city.

Insert is techno and respect, and authentic culture industrial club:
NO VIP's, we are all equal.
NO PICTURES, so you can let yourself go.
NO GOGOS, the dancers are on the dancefloor.
NO FASHION, be yourself.

  • Insert will open on Sundays from 5 pm until midnight and admission costs 10 € with a beer. The timetable, out of the ordinary, it is intended primarily for nightlife workers and university students, but also young parents who can leave their children in good care and go out for the afternoon.

  • Insert provides the ability to enjoy and dance 7hs of the best artists of the genre, cutting edge sound and lighting, with the possibility of retiring at a prudent time, ideal to start the week with a smile ... Insert opens this Sunday February 2nd and is committed to maintaining a stable price and affordable for this times, offering a continuous international programming. Here is the schedule for February and March:

    February 2014
    02/02/2014 Monoloc (clr.net) & Flug (Sleaze)
    09/02/2014 Truncate aka Audio Injection (Droid) & Tørk (Insert)
    16/02/2014 Shifted (Avian) & Men (insert)
    23/02/2014 Angel Costa (CLR) & Flug (Sleaze)

    March 2014
    02/03/2014 James Rusking (Tresor) & Audiolux (Insert)
    09/03/2014 Developer + Exium (Pole group Showcase) & Men (Insert)
    16/03/2014 Drumcell (clr.net) & Flug (Sleaze)
    23/03/2014 Pfirter (Clr.net) + UnamZetineb (Enemy)
    30/03/2014 Flug (Sleaze) & Javi Lago (Sintetics)