b-guided > Madrid

Regional Cuisine


Just as language, music and customs are an expression of culture so too is food, for some perhaps the most powerful medium of all. Within the Iberian Peninsula there is a wealth of regional options which in their structure and elaboration preserve local traditions and ways, a heritage that can be enjoyed through the five senses. Here we put together some of the best examples available in Barcelona. 

Although it is true to say that we inhabit a smaller and smaller world in terms of our access to once distant physical locations, exotic foods and unique experiences that this planet has to offer we are simultaneously rediscovering the local, a process that reflects our personal growth and the cycle of life as we journey along. With this article we present a collection of gastronomic experiences from the Iberian Peninsula available here in Barcelona that illustrate the local culinary offerings of some of the many regions with their rich and varied cultures. From Catalonia (Carme Ruscalleda/Moments Restaurant and Ramon Freixa/Ávalon Restaurant) to Portugal (Pedro Migel Ramos/A Casa Portuguesa), passing through the Basque country (Martín Berasategui/Loidi Rstaurant) and Andalusia (Josep Maria Parrado/Bar Cañete) we tour the authentic taste of Spain and Portugal without leaving Barcelona.